Renowned manga artist and the mastermind behind One Piece, Eiichiro Oda, has joined forces with streaming platform Netflix for an adaptation of another one of his works, Monsters 103 Mercies Dragon Damnation.
This anime is based on Oda’s one-shot manga titled “Monsters,” originally published by Shueisha in the Autumn Special issue of Weekly Shonen Jump back in 1994.
The adaptation is under the direction of Sunghoo Park, the director of the Jujutsu Kaisen 0 movie, and is animated by Park’s studio, E&H Production. Adding to the talent pool, Hiroaki Tsutsumi, the composer behind JJK 0’s OST, is on board for its musical composition.
Monsters 103 Mercies Dragon Damnation premieres January 2024 on Netflix
Monsters centers around Ryuma, a samurai navigating a world thrown into disarray by a menacing force — a dragon possessing the ability to wreak catastrophic havoc across the land.
Notably, Monsters and One Piece share the same universe, where the protagonist Ryuma is revealed to “hail from the Land of Wano in One Piece” as confirmed by Netflix in a tweet.
“This anime adaptation provides a unique opportunity for fans to discover Oda’s early creative genius, offering a fresh perspective on his storytelling prowess and a window into his imaginative world,” Netflix said in an official statement.
Monsters releases January 2024 on Netflix worldwide.
For more information, visit the anime’s official website.
This marks another collaboration between Oda and Netflix, building on the success of their partnership in bringing the live-action adaptation of One Piece to life in 2023. The series has garnered immense popularity, leading to the production of a second season.
Additionally, Netflix is also involved in remaking One Piece’s East Blue Saga, a project undertaken in collaboration with Wit Studio.
Oda is known as a highly accomplished manga artist and the creator of the popular manga and anime series, One Piece. He began his professional career with the manga “Wanted!” before achieving widespread acclaim for One Piece, which debuted in 1997.
One Piece has since become a global phenomenon, celebrated for its intricate storytelling, diverse characters, and expansive world-building.
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