The Holger 26 is one of the premier LMGs in Modern Warfare 3, with its easy handling and high damage. Some attachments further beef it up, making it absolutely dominant in almost every situation.

In this guide, we’ll detail the best Holger 26 loadout in MW3 to dominate the competition.

The best Holger 26 build in MW3 to dominate the competition

Best Holger 26 loadout in MW3
Screenshot by Samam Hasan / ONE Esports

We start off with the SL Razorhawk Laser Light, which really improves the overall accuracy and handling of the weapon, including the aim walking steadiness, tac stance spread, sprint-to-fire speed and ADS speed. This makes it a superb attachment for this LMG.

Improving the ADS and sprint to fire speed, even more, is the DR-6 Handstop underbarrel. The hipfire and tac stance spread is a bit affected but doesn’t affect the stability of the weapon overall.

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As always with LMGs, the armor-piercing rounds are one of the best you can use, if not the best.

For the Rear Grip, the Morn-20 Grip is picked out as it enhances the recoil control and flinch resistance, among others.

Finally, the Slimline Pro is the optic of choice, but you can also use any other dot sight, like the Slate Reflector. 

For the equipment, the following are preferred to make a great class setup:

  • Tactical: Stun Grenade/ Flash Grenade
  • Lethal: Frag Grenade
  • Field Upgrade: Munitions Box
  • Vest: Infantry Vest
  • Gloves: Commando Gloves
  • Boots: Lightweight Boots
  • Gear: Threat Identification System
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Best Holger 26 build in MW3

To sum up, here’s the best loadout for the Holger 26 in MW3:

Ammunition 5.56 Armor Piercing
LaserSL Razorhawk Laser Light
Rear GripMorn-20 Grip
OpticSlimline Pro
UnderbarrelDR-6 Handstop

That’s everything you need to know about the best Holger 26 loadout in MW3.

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