Don’t know how to get the new Wonder Weapon, the Staff of Ice, on the Tomb map in Black Ops 6 Zombies, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered.
Introduced in Black Ops II, the Staff of Ice in Bo6 Zombies is an iconic Wonder Weapon with offensive and defensive skills.
In the Tomb map, apart from being a good AoE-based weapon, the Staff of Ice plays a key role in unlocking the bridge in the Dark Aether Nexus to access the Sentinel Artifact boss arena.
If you are still unaware of how to get the Staff of Ice in Bo6 Zombies The Tomb update, keep reading!
How to get the Staff of Ice in Bo6 Zombies

In Black Ops 6 Zombies, you can get the Staff of Ice by collecting three of its fragments, namely the Staff, Head Piece, and the Monocle, and using them at the ritual site inside the Dark Aether Nexus.
On the other hand, you can also obtain the Staff of Ice from the Weapon Mystery Box, granted you are ready to bet on RNG.
However, if you are using the Weapon Mystery Box to get the Staff of Ice early, we recommend using the Wonderbar Gobblegum.

It guarantees the next weapon from the Mystery Box to be a Wonder Weapon.
That being out of the way, if you are using the traditional method, here’s how you can get the three fragments of the Staff of Ice:
- Monocle: Defeating the Shock Mimic that spawns at Round 8.
- Head Piece: Solving the hunter mural puzzle.
- Staff: Solving the bull mural puzzle.
Hunter mural location
Bull mural location
Dark Aether Nexus ritual location
Once you have all the fragments, head inside the Dark Aether Nexus and interact with the ritual site that you see in the above screenshot.
After that, a wave of enemies will spawn. You must guard the Staff of Ice until it is finished. We recommend a Pack-A-Punch weapon and good armor for this phase.
If you manage to guard the Staff of Ice successfully, you will be able to collect it by pressing the interact button.
That concludes our guide on how to get the Staff of Ice in Black Ops 6.