If you’re looking to dominate Warzone 2 lobbies, then you don’t want to shy away from the Signal 50 sniper rifle.

In this article, we’ll provide you with the Signal 50 build you’ll want to use to make quick work of your opponents at range.

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One of the best Signal 50 loadouts in Warzone 2

IceManIsaac's Sigal 50 loadout for Warzone 2
Screenshot by Steven Cropley/ONE Esports

This build comes from Call of Duty content creator IceManIsaac on YouTube. He refers to the weapon as the “new dominant long-range weapon.”

In terms of how he builds out the sniper, he opts for the Nilsound 90 Silencer muzzle to start. This muzzle provides sound suppression alongside bullet velocity and recoil smoothness to make hitting your shots that much easier.

In terms of the laser, he selects the FSS OLE-V. This increases the aim-down-sight and sprint-to-fire speed to make the weapon more reactive and also gives some aiming stability as well.

A sniper’s optic is as important as it gets, and that’s why IceManIsaac chooses the Forge Tac Delta 4. This scope provides a 5.5x view along with a quick aim-down-sight speed and aim walking movement.

For the ammo, he chooses the .50 cal high-velocity and sets it up to be even deadlier. The bullet velocity on this is incredible. He loads the ammo into a 7-round mag.

MuzzleNilsound 90 Silencer-0.77, -0.81
LaserFSS OLE-V Laser+0.27, +44.42
OpticForge Tac Delta 4+1.45, -0.75
Ammo.50 Cal High Velocity-0.25, -4.06
Mag7 Round MagN/A

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