Dark Ops challenges in Black Ops 6 Zombies offer players the opportunity to test their skills and earn exclusive rewards.
These secret objectives are not listed in the main menu, making them a thrilling pursuit for dedicated players.

Here’s a comprehensive ONE Esports guide to help you uncover and complete all these hidden tasks in BO6 Zombies.
Full list of Dark Ops challenges and calling card rewards in BO6 Zombies

Reaper of the Undead | Kill 1,000,000 zombies |
Armed to the Teeth | Have 3 Pack-A-Punch Level III, Legendary rarity weapons equipped with Ammo Mods and eight Perks active |
Social Distancing | Reach Round 20 without taking damage |
Strike | Get 300 score while bowling at Liberty Lanes |
Liberated | Complete Liberty Falls Quest in under 30 minutes in Standard Mode |
Yo Ho Ho | On Terminus, earn 20k Essence without getting hit with the Cursed Relic equipped |
Terminal | Complete Terminus Quest after Round 50 |
Another Round? | Reach Round 100 |
Good Enough | Reach Round 20 with only your starting loadout and no Augments equipped, and without buying any Perks or Ammo mods or using Field Upgrades |
Invincible | Reach Round 30 without going down |
Harbinger of Doom | Kill 100 enemies with a single Scorestreak |
Box Addict | Buy every weapon from the Mystery Box in a single game |
Sticks N’ Stones | Reach Round 25 solo using only melee weapons, Combat Axes, and Melee Macchiato |
Well That Was a Waste | Get downed within 10 seconds after consuming a Perkaholic Gobblegum |
Gummed Up | Consume 25 Gobblegums in a single match |
Fatale | Kill 2 Amalgams with a single shot |
Kunoichi | During a single use of Aether Shroud with the Void Sheath Augments equipped, kill 3 Zombies, 2 Special Zombies, and an Elite Zombie |
Light ‘Em Up | Using the Big Game Augment for Napalm Burst, kill 10 Ignited Elite Zombies in a single match |
You can acquire the Zombie Dark Ops mastery calling card after completing 15 challenges.
How to find the BO6 Zombies Dark Ops calling cards
To see these calling cards, just follow these steps:

- From the menu, navigate to the Barracks section.
- Choose Challenges from the options.
- Select the Dark Ops category to view your progress.
General tips for completing BO6 Zombies Dark Ops challenges
Equip weapons and Perks that align with your playstyle. Utilize Field Upgrades and equipment to maximize your efficiency.

Playing with a team can streamline your progress. A coordinated squad can make challenges easier, especially those requiring survival or Easter egg completions.
Utilize Gobblegums and other consumables to gain an edge during challenging runs.
READ MORE: All bowling shoe locations on Liberty Falls in Black Ops 6 Zombies