After more adjustments to various weapons across the game, Call of Duty guru JGOD has taken a deep dive into what the best assault rifle you should use is.

In this article, we’ll be going over the JGOD Kastov 762 loadout he recommends in the current meta in a recent YouTube video.

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The JGOD Kastov 762 loadout you need to run

JGOD Kastov 762 loadout details shown on stream
Screenshot by Steven Cropley/ONE Esports

JGOD has made a name for himself by providing some of the best Warzone 2 content around, whether it be loadouts, news, or intense gameplay.

When it comes to the JGOD Kastov 762, he says it’s an “all around niche” weapon, “especially for trios.”

The big selling point for this one is the reload speed according to JGOD. Allowing you to quickly get right back into the action with this easy-to-control weapon.

MuzzleZLR Talon 5+0.54, +0.77
BarrelKAS-10 584MM Barrel+0.37, -0.25
UnderbarrelFTAC Ripper 56+0.59, +0.28
Mag45 Round MagN/A
OpticAIM OP-V4+0.77, -1.65

Throughout the video, he compares the assault rifle to the TAQ V, TAQ 56, RAPP H, Sakin MG38, Cronen Squall, and the fan favorite M13B. These are all solid options if you’re looking for something a little different.

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