Updated at September 8, 4:45 a.m. (GMT+8): Updated loadout to most recent attachments and tuning.

With every passing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 update, weapon changes mean you need to revisit your loadouts.

Thankfully, if you’re interested in rocking the Vaznev-9k, Call of Duty expert Hero has you covered. He recently published a YouTube video going over the best Vaznev-9k loadout.

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The best Vaznev-9k loadout is still dominating in Modern Warfare 2

Hero goes over the best Vaznev-9k loadout
Screenshot by Steven Cropley/ONE Esports

Hero opts to use the AVR-T90 Comp muzzle due to having both increased horizontal and vertical recoil control.

For the laser, he selects the tried and true FSS OLE-V laser thanks to the aim-down-sight speed, aiming stability, and sprint-to-fire speed.

Moving to the stock, it’s the Otrezat for this one. This gives the weapon better aim walking speed and sprint speed, allowing you to have better movement during an engagement.

He chooses the 45-round mag to make sure he has enough ammunition to take down any opponents standing in his way.

And lastly, he chooses the DEMO-X2 grip for an even further improvement to recoil control.

MuzzleAVR-T90 Comp+0.57, +0.14
LaserFSS OLE-V Laser-0.13, -24.68
Mag45 Round MagN/A
StockOtrezat Stock-0.77, +1.78
Rear GripDEMO-X2 Grip-0.23, -0.12

Per usual, if you plan to take this weapon into ranked, you won’t be able to use the tunings.

For regular multiplayer, however, definitely use the ones suggested above to shred the lobby with your Vaznev-9k loadout!

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