Call of Duty: Warzone streamer Tyler “TeeP’ Polchow has discovered a new Swiss K31 class that could be the next best sniper rifle in the FPS battle royale.

Details of TeeP’s Swiss K31 class in Warzone

The former COD pro tested out the sniper rifle after it received Flinch Resistance and Aiming Stability buffs in the 80s Action Heroes patch update.

With a steadier shot, the streamer mentioned that the Swiss K31 already does great with its default scope and has an unbeatable bullet velocity with the right attachments.

From his demo video, you can see TeeP grabbing kills from over 100 meters away and finishing one plunder game with 78 eliminations.

Swiss K31 class of TeeP in Call of Duty: Warzone
Screenshot by Joseph Asuncion/ONE Esports

Here are the details to the Swiss K31 class:

  • Muzzle: Sound Moderator
  • Barrel: 24.9″ Combat Recon
  • Laser: SWAT 5mw Laser Sight
  • Stock: Raider Stock
  • Rear Grip: Serpent Grip

To see the gun in action, you can check out TeeP’s full video down below:

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