Chaos Esports Club has officially acquired Lasse “Matumbaman” Urpalainen, who had beendropped from the active Team Liquid roster.
The esports organization’s former mid-laner Aliwi “w33” Omar had departed to join Liquid earlier last week, though to be clear, w33 had been on a break and Chaos already had Nico “Gunnar” Lopez in his place.
With Chaos already sporting five players on the team, it’s yet unknown what role Matumbaman will be taking, though it’s likely to either be the mid or carry role that he’s used to playing previously in Liquid.
“Matumbaman is a rare example of such talent, bringing with him a world-class record of achievement and a wealth of experience. Welcome to the team, Lasse, we are lucky to have you. I am excited to watch you #CreateChaos,” said Greg Laird, CEO of Chaos Esports Club.
Chaos currently has 288 DPC points, which isn’t enough for a direct invitation to the International 2019. Their last chance to enter TI9 will be through the online qualifiers.
READ ALSO: Team Liquid has signed w33