The Earthshaker Arcana has just been released in Dota 2.
It will also come with a new style called Burning Descent, which you can unlock by getting 500 kills or assists using Echo Slam, Earthshaker’s ultimate ability.
Details about Earthshaker Arcana in the TI9 Battle Pass
Equipping Planetfall will also display a combo counter that shows damage dealt by Earthshaker, as well as personal best records on chain abilities.
Also included in Earthshaker’s Arcana item is the Immortal item Judgment of the Fallen for the Totem slot which takes the same color of whichever style is currently equipped in Planetfall.
Earthshaker mains will surely dig this Arcana with over 500 exclusive voice lines, a custom Blink Dagger icon, and Stun effects. Planetfall is now available on The International 2019 Battle Pass.
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READ MORE: Tickets for The International 2019 go on sale this Friday