Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 has introduced several new bosses and enemies, including Demons. These can be found in various spots on the map, but they pose a significant threat due to their supernatural abilities.

In this ONE Esports guide, we’ll let you know how to find and damage Demons in Fortnite.

Where are Demons in Fortnite? How do you damage Demons in Fortnite?

Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 Kendo location
Screenshot by Abdul Haddi/

Fortnite features a new quest from Kendo that requires you to deal damage to Demons. Finding Demons can be challenging, but their locations are highlighted as soon as you start the quest.

The quest requires you to deal 350 damage. Once completed, you can choose to either keep fighting the Demons or leave the area.

To start the quest, find and speak with Kendo. He will share information about the Demons, and once he’s done, their locations will be marked on the map. You can check out Kendo’s location in the image below.

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Credit: Epic Games
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Before you go visit the Demons, ensure you’re well-prepared for the fight. We recommend carrying weapons like the Typhoon Blade and a reliable long-range option.

On top of that, make sure that you’ve collected shields and healing items, as you’ll be needing them during the fight. 

Once you encounter a Demon, you can use your regular weapons against them. However, these enemies are unpredictable, and their attacks can catch you off guard.

This is why you should use a combination of melee and long-range attacks throughout the fight to increase your chances of survival.

Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1 Demons
Credit: HocusJocusLusio/YouTube

Another important thing to keep in mind is that while fighting the Demons, nearby players might hear the gunshots and head toward your location. So, you will need to keep an eye out for enemy players as well

After you’ve successfully defeated the Demons, you’ll be rewarded with 25,000 XP. So, this quest is a must for those who want to level up quickly in the current season. 

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