Riot Games Executive Producer and Team Lead for Valorant, Anna Donlon, recently explained in a YouTube video how the ongoing COVID-19 novel coronavirus pandemic has had an impact on the game’s closed beta launch for North America and Europe.

First, she stated that Riot Games and the Valorant development team still feels optimistic about the game’s official launch set for the Summer of this year.

She then detailed that building the game’s infrastructure and player feedback are the two biggest challenges they’re facing right now. Their infrastructure requires a lot of traveling and moving of servers, and their player feedback abilities have also been hampered due to the travel restrictions and their team working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Riot Games initially planned on having as many players around the world participate in Valorant’s closed beta. But they’ve now shifted their attention to focusing on the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada.

Donlon then asked players of the closed beta to be patient. “We will be ramping up our player count to test out our services, but we will not be letting everyone in at once.”

Riot continues to monitor the closed beta which started on April 7 for Europe and North America regions. The team is also frequently updating players through their Twitter page as they continue to fix issues during the closed beta process.

READ MORE: Top 5 streamer and pro plays from Valorant’s closed beta weekend