Twitch is cracking down on Valorant streamers who are posting old VODs 24/7 to farm Twitch views and beta key drops.

Twitch has announced that they’ve updated their community guidelines to combat the number of Valorant channels streaming 24/7 with VODs.

In the update, they amended their “Spam, Scams, and Other Malicious Content” section, and added a new bullet point stating “cheating a Twitch rewards system (such as the Drops or channel points system).”

Ever since Valorant’s closed beta was released, it has dominated Twitch in terms of channels streaming the game, and the number of viewers tuning in. This has led some Twitch channels to broadcast Valorant content 24/7 while using previously recorded footage.

These channels are also exploiting Twitch’s beta key drop system. Eager fans who want to get into the closed beta have to tune in and watch Valorant streams that have drops enabled.

This has caused some popular streamers like Jaryd “Summit1g” Lazar to complain about the number of 24/7 steams on the Valorant category tab on Twitch.

Even Valorant Game Director, Joe “Hephastopheles’ Ziegler, commended Twitch for their decision to “ensure drops stay fair.”

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