Games like Elden Ring take players on a journey from intense combat scenes to captivating realms, weaving together a collage of adventure for those craving immersive gaming.

Whether you’ve traversed The Lands Between and crave more or thrive on defeating tough enemies, these games are designed to engage your senses.

Diablo as the featured image in the ONE Esports article "5 games like Diablo to continue your endless dungeon adventures"
Credit: Blizzard Entertainment, ONE Esports
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Explore a range of titles that capture the essence of adventure, inviting you to embark on epic quests and confront formidable challenges these games like Elden Ring offer.

5 best games like Elden Ring


Bloodborne, From Software, Screenshot, PlayStation games
Credit: FromSoftware
Get slashing and dashing with yor own copy of Bloodborne PS4 Game of the Year Edition!

In the twisted realms of Elden Ring, grotesque entities and eerie landscapes abound.

If you found yourself drawn to the dark allure of such horrors, then Bloodborne awaits your courage.

From the creators of Elden Ring, Bloodborne’s Gothic imagery and relentless gameplay offer a visceral experience unlike any other.

May and Cody completing a task in It Takes Two
Credit: Electronic Arts, ONE Esports
3 games like It Takes Two to test your sanity and friendship

Traverse haunted streets, confront nightmarish creatures, and unravel mysteries in this macabre masterpiece.

Bloodborne is exclusive on the PlayStation 4.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

Cal Kestis vs the Ninth Sister in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen order
Credit: Respawn Entertainment, Electronic Arts
Learn how to harness the Force with The Jedi Path Star Wars: The Jedi Path and Book of Sith Deluxe Box Set!

For those who crave a blend of captivating storytelling and challenging combat, Fallen Order beckons.

Set in the expansive Star Wars universe, this action-adventure game channels the essence of Elden Ring’s combat mechanics while immersing you in an epic saga.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order blends God of War and Sekiro gameplay for tons of fun

Become a Jedi, hone your skills with the lightsaber, and embark on a journey that intertwines with the iconic Star Wars narrative.

The game is playable on Xbox One and Series X|S, PlayStation 4 and 5, and Steam.

Stellar Blade

Stellar Blade double jump
Credit: Shift Up Corporation/Sony

Step into the shoes of humanity’s defender in Stellar Blade, an engaging action role-playing game that echoes Elden Ring’s allure.

Engage in strategic combat, don stylish attire, and explore vast realms teeming with adversaries.

EVE in the featured image of the ONE Esports Stellar Blade review article
Credit: Shift Up, ONE Esports
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With its emphasis on skillful play and immersive world-building, Stellar Blade offers a gripping experience for adventurers seeking new horizons.

Stellar Blade is a PlayStation 5 exclusive.

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

Wolf in combat in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Credit: FromSoftware, Activision

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, a departure from FromSoftware’s traditional Souls formula, introduces players to a world inspired by feudal Japan’s mythos.

As a shinobi seeking revenge, players navigate treacherous environments, engage in precise sword combat, and utilize stealth to overcome powerful adversaries.

The game’s verticality, thanks to a jump mechanic and grappling hook, adds a new dimension to exploration and traversal.

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Screenshot by Hritwik Raj / ONE Esports
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Combat in Sekiro is demanding yet rewarding, requiring players to master deflections, posture management, and deadly techniques.

Boss battles are intense showdowns that push players to their limits, offering a sense of accomplishment upon victory.

Sekiro’s focus on skill-based combat and immersive world-building makes it a standout title among games like Elden Ring.

The game is available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Steam.

Dark Souls

The list of games like Elden Ring won't be complete without Dark Souls
Credit: FromSoftware

No discussion of games like Elden Ring is complete without mentioning Dark Souls, the iconic series that redefined action role-playing games.

Delve into treacherous realms, confront legendary adversaries, and test your mettle in unforgiving battles.

The Dragonborn in the featured image of the ONE Esports article "3 games like Skyrim that will quench your thirst for epic adventures"
Credit: Bethesda Game Studios, ONE Esports
3 games like Skyrim to quench your thirst for adventures

With its timeless gameplay and immersive lore, Dark Souls continues to inspire players seeking a journey filled with triumph and challenge.

What sets Dark Souls apart is its emphasis on player agency and discovery. From resting at bonfires to leveling up and acquiring new gear, every decision shapes the player’s journey.

The game can be played on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Steam.

Dark Souls Remastered Collector's Edition Guide
Credit: Future Press

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