After a year since its release, Baldurs Gate 3 has brought several updates to the game.

While the game’s current update is live on PC platforms since September 5th, players want to know the Baldurs Gate 3 Patch 7 console release date and what it will feature.

In Baldurs Gate 3, each update has brought new content, fixes, and adjustments to maximize the gaming experience of players.This has continued to make the role-playing aspect of game immersive and entertaining.

For console players anticipating for the game’s update to come to your platform, continue reading to know more about the Baldurs Gate 3 console release date and update highlights.

When is the Baldurs Gate 3 Patch 7 console release date?

Astarion thinking -- Baldurs Gate 3 Patch 7 console release date
Credit: Larian Studios

At present, Larian Studios gave a targeted month of when the Baldurs Gate 3 Patch 7 console update will go live.

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“Mac and console players, it’s going to take a little longer to get Patch 7 through all the necessary technical checks and requirements and into your hands,” said Larian Studios in a post on its X account.

They added, “Although later than we originally expected, you should be diving into Patch 7 this October.” 

With that announcement in mind, players have to wait a little bit more for the update to drop.

What will the Baldurs Gate 3 Patch 7 console update feature?

Screenshot from a scene of Wyll’s ending in Baldur’s Gate 3.
Credit: Renee Aguila/ONE Esports, Larian Studios

With Patch 7 already out for PC players since last week, the update already gives console players a glimpse into what’s also in store for them. 

One of the major highlights of Patch 7 is the “Evil Endings.” This is a brand new cinematic ending pack for players who go down the dark side in their playthroughs.

Another anticipated feature is the game’s own “Mod Manager,” which allows players to browse, install, and use mods created by the Baldurs Gate 3 community. Several mods have also popped up already across the internet such as additional class mods and quality-of-life mods.

Moreover, the developers have also revamped split-screen gameplay, allowing the two halves of a screen to merge together when player characters come close to each other. 

Turn-based combat system in Baldur's Gate 3
Credit: Larian Studios
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Other content that comes with the update include additions to bosses in the Honour Mode Combat, UI fixes, gameplay and animation adjustments, and optimized performance. 

Players can find the full details of Patch 7 on the Baldurs Gate 3 website under the post, “Closed beta delay & Patch 7 highlights.” 

As there have been no announcements on any differences of the update coming for console platforms, players can expect getting the same content this October. 

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