With their cuteness and laid-back nature, cats are indeed irresistible creatures.
But what about cat Pokemon?
Despite their tendency to scratch every surface they find, there’s just something that makes all cats — in real-life and 2D — very fascinating to humans.

Today, we’re going to give you a list of the 10 best cat Pokemon across all generations, starting from Gen 1 to Gen 9. You can use this list if you desire to have a feline companion to your Pokemon team.
A couple of reminders before we proceed — this cat Pokemon list will be a power ranking based on their total base stats.

We are going to include Pokemon inspired by undomesticated cat species, as well as those with cat-like features.
Power ranking of the 10 best cat Pokemon across all generations
10. All Eeveelutions
Base stat totals: 525 (for all evolution forms)

After careful evaluation, we decided to put all members of the Eeveelutions in the 10th spot, since they all have the same base stat totals.
Eeeveelutions is a term given to all eight evolutions of the Pokemon Eevee, which are at least cat or almost cat-like in appearance (Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon, and Sylveon).
9. Incineroar
Base stat total: 530

After spending some time as a quadrupedal Litten and Torracat, cat Pokemon Incineroar turns bipedal and unleashes powerful kicks and punches.
Incineroar’s Fire/Dark-typing is likely attributed to its rough and aggressive behavior. Moreover, its navel produces flames every time it becomes excited in battle.
8. Meowscarada
Base stat total: 530

As a skilled magician, Meowscarada is a cat Pokemon capable of tricking and hurting its foes with a barrage of flower-like bombs.
While they both have the same base stat total, the hidden ability of Meowscarada is arguably better than Incineroar, since Protean enables Meowscarada to change its type based on its last move, making this Pokemon very unpredictable and therefore placed higher in our ranking.
7. Chien-Pao
Base stat total: 570

It’s easy to mistake Chien-Pao for an otter or weasel due to its elongated body, but this member of the Ruinous Quartet is more reminiscent of a saber tooth cat with its long sword-like fangs.
Chien-Pao’s reputation as a strong legendary cat Pokemon is more apparent in its ability Sword of Ruin, which reduces the defense stat of all Pokemon in the field except itself.
6. Entei
Base stat total: 580

Another legendary Pokemon that is undoubtedly based on cats is Entei, the majestic and ferocious lion that can make a volcano erupt when it roars.
Introduced all the way back in Gen 2, cat Pokemon Entei is an absolute tank that can knock out stronger opponents before they can hit back, thanks to its high base speed and HP stat.
5. Raikou
Base stat total: 580

Joining Entei in a trio known as the Legendary Beast Pokemon of Johto is Raikou, a rare Pokemon that heavily resembles a tiger.
If we will compare the speed stats of Entei and Raikou, the latter cat Pokemon definitely takes the higher spot, which is no surprise considering that most Electric-type Pokemon are extremely fast.
4. Zeraora
Base stat total: 600

Cat pokemon Zeraora is an example of a mythical Pokemon, one that’s so rare, most people doubt their existence.
With a base speed stat of 143, Zeraora is the fastest cat Pokemon so far. Its movements can generate enough electricity that it can run as fast as a lightning strike.
3. Mew
Base stat total: 600

Mew is another legendary cat Pokemon with a unique trait: it can use all Pokemon moves according to lore, which led many to believe that Mew might be the ancestor of every Pokemon species.
A simple glance at this Pokemon is enough to say that it’s quite close to the appearance of a cat embryo, but don’t let its looks fool you; it possesses the genes of all existing Pokemon, and it can be EV-trained in every way possible.
2. Solgaleo
Base stat total: 680

The sunlight-bearing Solgaleo serves as the game mascot for Pokemon Sun and Moon together with Lunala. Like Entei, Solgaleo is a cat Pokemon based on lions.
Moreover, Solgaleo’s evolution chain is the first to exist among legendary Pokemon, which broke the long-standing belief that all legendaries cannot evolve.
1. Mewtwo
Base stat total: 680

After spending years of genetic manipulation, scientists successfully created the creature touted as the world’s strongest Pokemon by recombining Mew’s genes. This Pokemon is no other than the bipedal feline, Mewtwo.
Two of Mewtwo’s mega evolution forms, Mega Mewtwo Y and Mega Mewtwo X, both have a staggering 780 base stat total, one of the highest we’ve ever seen in the franchise’s history.
Special mentions: All other cat Pokemon in the series and their generation

Apart from the strong ones we mentioned above, here are the other cat or cat-like Pokemon that you might want to check out if you’re playing a Pokemon game right now:
Generation 1
- Kantonian Meowth
- Kantonian Persian
Generation 2
- Sneasel
Generation 3
- Skitty
- Delcatty
- Zangoose
- Absol
Generation 4
- Glameow
- Purugly
- Shinx
- Luxio
- Luxray
- Weavile

Generation 5
- Purrloin
- Liepard
Generation 6
- Espurr
- Meowstic
- Litleo
- Pyroar
Generation 7
- Alolan Meowth
- Alolan Persian
- Litten
- Torracat
- Dusk Mane Necrozma
Generation 8
- Galarian Meowth
- Perrserker
- Hisuian Sneasel
- Sneasler
Generation 9
- Sprigatito
- Floragato
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