Good night, sleep tight.
The 2024 Venusaur drop event unexpectedly spawned a highly disruptive sleep deck in Pokemon TCG Pocket. The Jigglypuff Promo card, a potential reward from limited-time Promo packs, has elevated the strategy of inducing Sleep to a new level of annoyance.

Ready to give your opponents nightmares? This ONE Esports guide unveils everything you need to know about the best Pokemon TCG Pocket Sleep deck.
What is the Sleep status condition?
The Sleep status renders Pokemon completely immobile, leaving them vulnerable to attacks.

An Asleep Pokemon in Pokemon TCG Pocket is unable to attack, trigger abilities, or retreat. At the beginning and end of their turn, the player controlling the Asleep Pokemon flips a coin.
If it’s heads, the Pokemon wakes up and can execute actions. If it’s tails, the Pokemon remains Asleep till the next coin flip check.
Pokemon that are stuck Asleep are left wide open to attacks as they themselves can’t be retreated out, allowing you to get in free attacks or set up your benched Pokemon.
The most annoying Pokemon TCG Pocket sleep deck to ever exist

Wigglytuff EX & Hypno sleep deck (Psychic)
- Jigglypuff (Promo-A version) x 2
- Wigglytuff x 1
- Wigglytuff EX x 2
- Drowzee x 2
- Hypno x 2
- Sabrina x 2
- Professor’s Research x 2
- Poke Ball x 2
- X Speed x 2
- Potion x 2
- Red Card x 1
With the addition of the powerful Jigglypuff Promo card, this sleep-centric deck can potentially lock opponents down from the very start. By spending just one energy, Jigglypuff can send enemy Pokemon to dreamland, setting the stage for a frustrating game.

Evolving Drowzee into Hypno further solidifies the sleep strategy as you have another way to trigger sleep thanks to its Ability, Sleep Pendulum. Though Wigglytuff EX can also trigger sleep, its main role is to dish out big damage and to eventually knock out opposing Pokemon.
This deck is all about frustrating your opponents with Sleep. As long as your opponent’s Pokemon remain Asleep, they can’t attack nor retreat, allowing you to either set up for a knockout or power up more Pokemon on the bench.
This deck’s success is highly dependent on random chance. Sometimes, the coin flips won’t favor your strategy, and that’s okay!
READ MORE: Is there a Pokemon TCG Pocket pity system? Drop rates explained