Aberrant Action is a new solar Sidearm in Destiny 2. It has a Rocket-Assisted Frame, similar to the Call. This weapon can roll with Incandescent, one of the best perks in Destiny 2, and synergize well with most Solar builds.

Aberrant Action can only drop from the Episode Echoes activities and if you want to craft or farm the best version of it, you’re in the right place. 

This ONE Esports guide explains the Aberrant Action god roll in Destiny 2 for PvE and PvP activities. 

Destiny 2 Aberrant Action PvE god roll

Destiny 2 Aberrant Action PvE god roll
Screenshot by Shreyansh Katsura/ONE Esports
BarrelQuick Launch: +10 Velocity, +15 Handling
MagazineHigh Velocity Rounds: +10 Velocity, +10 Reload Speed
Perk 1Heal Clip: Reloading shortly after dealing a final blow grants Cure to you and your nearby allies.
Perk 2Incandescent: Defeating a target spreads scorch to those nearby.More powerful combatants and opposing Guardians cause scorch in a larger radius.
MasterworkReload Speed
Origin TraitRadiolaia Transposer: Rapid final blows cause targets to explode into a pool of radiolarian fluid.

For Barrel and Magazine, we recommend Quick Launch and High-Velocity Rounds since Velocity, Handling, and Reload Speed are vital stats for any Rocket-Assisted Frame Sidearms. You could also go for Countermass or Smart Drift Control for Barrel to improve Recoil Direction. 

For the third column perk, Heal Clip is perfect as it can heal you and your allies. 

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Incandescent is king for the fourth column perk because it can spread Scorch to enemies and deal AOE damage. 

Lastly, for Masterwork, we recommend Reload Speed, as Rocket-Assisted Sidearms take a bit longer to reload, but you could also go with Velocity.

Destiny 2 Aberrant Action PvP god roll

Destiny 2 Aberrant Action PvP god roll
Screenshot by Shreyansh Katsura/ONE Esports
BarrelQuick Launch: +10 Velocity, +15 Handling
MagazineHigh Velocity Rounds: +10 Velocity, +10 Reload Speed
Perk 1Threat Detector: Increased reload, stability, and handling when enemies are in close proximity.
Perk 2Harmony: Final blows with other weapons improve this weapon’s damage and performance for a short duration.

Swashbuckler: This weapon gains increased damage from melee kills and kills with this weapon.
Origin TraitRadiolaia Transposer: Rapid final blows cause targets to explode into a pool of radiolarian fluid.

Rocket-Assisted Frame Sidearm aren’t favorites for Crucibles, especially since they require Special ammo. However, Aberrant Action is a very satisfying weapon to use and can luckily roll with a few perk combinations that make it viable in PvP. 

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For Barrel and Magazine, Quick Launch and High-Velocity Rounds are the best options, as they could provide the much-needed boost to Velocity. 

For the third column perk, we recommend Threat Detector for its stability and reload speed boost. Both would improve this weapon’s effectiveness in PvP. 

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For the fourth column perk, you could go for Harmony or Swashbuckler; it depends on your playstyle. Harmony seems more viable, as you would probably want to switch back and forth between a primary weapon and Aberrant Action, and doing so would boost the latter’s weapon damage. 

However, if you would rather just use Aberrant Action, Swashbuckler would provide a decent weapon damage boost on melee kills and kills with this weapon. 

Lastly, for Masterwork, you should go for Velocity to improve this weapon’s accuracy in PvP. 

That sums up our Aberrant Action god roll in Destiny 2.

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