With it’s release, many fans are asking the question of how long to beat Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?

Square Enix’s Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is one of the biggest game releases of 2024, featuring a massive and vibrant open world for players to explore, side quests to pursue, collectibles to find, and even a card game to play.

Most JRPGs, including Final Fantasy titles, are known to be lengthy; featuring 100+ hours worth of content for players to chew through. In short, there’s plenty to see and do in this latest iteration of the Final Fantasy 7 remake titles. 

How long to beat Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth — Campaign only experience

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Aerith, Yuffie, and Tifa
Credit: Square Enix

If you just want to enjoy Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth’s riveting story, you should expect to spend somewhere between 35-40 hours with the game. That said, at certain story junctions, you may want to step off the beaten path to complete side quests and level up your party, as otherwise, you may find yourself struggling in certain late-game encounters. 

So at it’s very base level, that’s how long to beat Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

All Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth cast and voice actors by character

How long to beat Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth — Average experience

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth air ship
Credit: Square Enix

It can take up to 55-65 hours on average to roll the credits in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, granted you don’t invest an indefinite amount of time in the game’s highly engaging card game Queen’s Blood. The average FF 7 Rebirth experience should consist of the game’s campaign and notable story-rich side quests that improve your relationship with your party members, as well as a few collectibles that are easy to acquire. 

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How long to beat Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth — Completionist experience

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth game length
Credit: Square Enix

It can take up to 95-100 hours to 100% Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and double that amount if you want the platinum trophy. The completionist experience includes completing the campaign, almost all Intel side quests, Treasure Trove’s Collector’s items, and pretty much everything else. 

To get the platinum trophy, however, you have to beat the game on hard mode, which is only available after you have beaten the game’s campaign. In short, expect to spend at least 100 hours in FF 7 Rebirth if you want to see and do everything the game has to offer. 

READ MORE: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Collector’s Edition: A 19-inch Sephiroth statue perfect for your display case