Bungie has brought the iconic exotic sniper rifle, Ice Breaker, from Destiny 1 to Destiny 2 Episode Revenant. It’s part of the loot pool of the new Vesper’s Host dungeon, which is situated deep beneath the freezing landscapes of Europa. 

Vesper’s Host Dungeon has encounters similar to the Deep Stone Crypt Raid and is easily one of the most challenging Destiny 2 dungeons of all time. But how do you get your hands on Ice Breaker within the dungeon in Destiny 2?

How to obtain Ice Breaker in Destiny 2 Vespers Host dungeon

Destiny 2 Vesper Host
Credit: Bungie

To get Ice Breaker in Destiny 2, you have to finish the final encounter of Vesper’s Host dungeon. Once you have defeated the Corrupted Puppeteer, which is undoubtedly a long-winded and tedious encounter, there’s a chance for you to get Ice Breaker. 

In classic Destiny fashion, Ice Breaker isn’t a guaranteed drop from completing the Vesper’s Host dungeon. It’s a stark contrast from how you get something like the Choir of One from the Encore exotic mission, but that isn’t how loot drop works in dungeons and raids.  

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However, there are ways to boost the initial drop rate of Ice Breaker. For this, you have to finish one of the three Vesper’s Host Triumphs.

Alone in the Dark Triumph requires you to complete all Vesper’s Host encounters solo, whereas Stationmaster Triumph requires you to complete the dungeon on Master difficulty. 

There’s also the Buried Secrets triumph, for which you have to find all hidden collectibles in Vesper’s Host. 

Destiny 2 shopkeeper
Credit: Bungie

These are the only ways to boost the drop rate of Ice Breaker in Destiny 2. 

Please note that Ice Breaker can drop only once per week, though you can swap to another character to get an additional roll. 

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