Warframe’s latest story expansion, Warframe 1999, has arrived. Whether you’re a newcomer enthralled by the stylized action and the stellar cast of 1999 or a veteran returning after a break to check what the fuss is about, you may be wondering how to dive straight into Warframe 1999. 

Unfortunately, it’s easier said than done, as Warframe 1999 isn’t a standalone Warframe expansion. As such, this ONE Esports guide delves into how to start Warframe 1999. 

How to access Warframe 1999

Warframe 1999 Katana
Credit: Digital Extremes

To start Warframe 1999, you’ll first need to complete 17 main missions spread across four distinct story arcs. 

Below is the list of all four story arcs in Warframe and the quests you need to complete within them. 

Arc 1: Awakening

  1. Vor’s Prize
  2. Saya’s Vigil
  3. Vox Solaris 
  4. Once Awake
  5. Heart of Deimos
  6. The Archwing

Arc 2: The War Within Saga

  1. Natah
  2. The Second Dream
  3. Rising Tide
  4. The War Within
  5. Chains of Harrow
  6. Apostasy Prologue 
  7. The Sacrifice

Arc 3: The New War Saga

  1. Prelude to War
  2. The New War

Arc 4: The Void War Saga

  1. Whispers in the Walls
  2. The Lotus Eaters
Warframe Unreal Tournament skins
Credit: Digital Extremes

Each quest only takes an hour or two to finish, but since you can’t jump from one story mission to another, completing them could take a while. 

In case you didn’t know, every main quest has certain prerequisites. For instance, The Second Dream requires you to unlock Uranus: Neptune Junction in the Star Chart in addition to the Natah quest. 

Hence, not only do you have to complete the aforementioned story quests, but also unlock Star Chart. 

Warframe 1999 combat
Credit: Digital Extremes

Add to that essentials like collecting Railjack and Necramech, weapon and frame mods, and leveling up Warframes, and you could be looking at 50+ hours of play sessions before you gain access to Warframe 1999. 

Thankfully, unlike Destiny 2, Warframe has a uniform learning curve, and going through all story missions will introduce you to the game’s various mechanics, so by the time you are ready to delve into Warframe 1999, you will be armed with knowledge and power to tackle 1999’s story content. 

READ MORE: How to get the Warframe Unreal Tournament skins for free