Deadlock has 21 heroes, each bringing a unique set of abilities to the game. Pocket is currently an S-tier hero with a slightly high learning curve but an equally rewarding damage output.

Pocket comes with their handy Shotgun, which can be a close-range menace. They are defined as a backline watcher but equally deadly when met with enemies up close.

Deadlock character Abrams in ONE Esports' image for how to get access to Deadlock playtest
Credit: Valve, ONE Esports
How to get access to Deadlock playtest — complete guide

Pocket can be a bit slow compared with other assault heroes, but that’s nothing that a quick trip to the curiosity shop can’t fix. Pocket is a tactician that teams may want to keep on their roster.

While they’re highly viable, understanding and customizing Pocket’s abilities can be tricky due to their versatile playtest. Is Pocket a gunman or a Spirit hero? Here’s all you need to know to play Deadlock hero Pocket.

Deadlock hero Pocket abilities explained

Pocket is a highly tactical hero, so they are only viable in the hands of those who are patient enough to use their abilities at the right moment. They are equipped with a Doctor Strange-style cloak, a suitcase, and damage-dealing projectiles.

In-game screenshot of Pocket in Deadlock
Screenshot by Fariha Bhatti/ONE Esports


Barrage is the ad-clearing ability that deals damage to nearby creeps and clears the way. Press 1 to launch a projectile that finds nearby enemies and deals 35 damage per projectile on a base level. It also applies a slow movement around its impact point.

Each projectile landed on a hero grants you a stacking buff that amplifies your damage. If you cast it while in the air, you’ll float and maintain any horizontal momentum you started with. When upgraded, Barrage becomes the best tool to clear out creeps.

  • Level 1: +15 damage per projectile
  • Level 2: -15 second cooldown
  • Level 3: +5% amplification per stack

Barrage is generally recommended to upgrade early on in the round as it’s not as powerful against Walkers and Guardians. The gigantic nemesis can easily attack you while you’re mid-animation. To avoid that, use Barrage mid-air on a zipline and pair it with a Shotgun for good measure. By itself, the projectiles may not do much.

Flying Cloak

Flying Cloak is Pocket’s teleport-cum-mobile grenade. As evident from the name, it’s a cloak that flies through enemies, dealing damage to all those who cross its path.

It’s activated by pressing 2. You may travel to its location by pressing 2 again. It’s a great tool to flank enemies while tenderizing them for teammates.

It’s another ability that players may want to upgrade early in the round, maybe even earlier than Barrage. That’s because Flying Cloak deals higher damage when upgraded to level 2.

  • Level 1: -15 second cooldown
  • Level 2: +80 damage
  • Level 3: +7 weapon damage for 10 seconds after teleporting

Flying Cloak may be a damage-dealing device, but it should be used more as an escape than a weapon.

Instead of relying on cloak damage, use either Barrage or your trusty Shotgun before activating Flying Cloak. Right after dealing damage, press 2 again to find a safety spot.

Deadlock character Grey Talon in ONE Esports' image for how to invite friends to Deadlock lobby
Screenshot by Fariha Bhatti/ONE Esports, credit: Valve
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Enchanter’s Satchel

This is Pocket’s signature ability that basically hides them inside the suitcase for two seconds. When they burst out of the case, enemies within 12 meters are dealt 100 damage.

Similar to Flying Cloak, this ability is another escape that buys you time to take a breather and deal damage while you’re at it. This is highly useful when you have low HP and quickly want to call for backup while keeping enemies at bay.

When upgraded, Enchanter’s Satchel gains 80 damage and a reduced cooldown. That means you may be able to use it every 11 seconds when fully upgraded.

  • Level 1: -5 second cooldown
  • Level 2: +80 damage
  • Level 3: Applies 40% fire rate slow for four seconds


Affliction is a slow poison that deals damage to all enemies over time. When activated by pressing 4, all enemies within 14 meters take 23 damage per second. It has a long cooldown, which can be reduced by upgrading to level 1.

  • Level 1: -30 second cooldown
  • Level 2: Suppress targets’ healing by -60%
  • Level 3: +27 DPS

Affliction is an ability you want to max out mid-game. This is due to its locked feature of healing suppression that gets activated on level 2.

If you spot healers on the enemy squad, pin them down and activate Affliction to reduce their healing by 60%.

Deadlock hero Pocket’s best build

In Deadlock, players can shop for weapons, vitality, and spirit upgrades using Souls. The shop appears in the spawn, near every Guardian until it’s broken, and inside the tunnels near the center of the map.

While Pocket’s best build may depend on the player’s personal preference, here’s one that we recommend using.

Best build for Pocket in Deadlock
Screenshot by Fariha Bhatti/ONE Esports
  • Early round: Close Quarters, Mystic Burst, Enduring Spirit, Sprint Boots

Pocket is an excellent hero, but they don’t have the most powerful weapon. To boost bullet impact, you’ll need to shell out Souls on the orange items. Early in the round, Close Quarters is the most viable booster, which boosts damage when Pocket picks a duel with close-ranged enemies.

Mystic Burst enhances the damage of abilities that deal 80 damage in one strike. Since Pocket has two such skills, Flying Cloak and Enchanter’s Satchel, they can squeeze full juice out of the upgrade.

Invest in Sprint Boost for movement and combine them with Enduring Spirit to absorb incoming damage.

  • Mid round: Mystic Shot, Active Reload, Healbane, Combat Barrier, Quicksilver Reload, Improved Cooldown

Combining Mystic Shot and Active Reload allows your character to deal additional damage without wasting time on reload animations. While Healbane reduces the enemy’s healing, Combat Barrier blocks basic attacks, and as long as that shield is up, your damage will also see a boost.

Quicksilver Reload, on the other hand, allows you to bind one ability, which, when used, automatically reloads the Shotgun. That’s not all, as a 15% fire rate boost is also applied.

Improved Cooldown is especially recommended for Pocket players who stay on the backlines.

  • Late round: Headhunter, Point Blank, Phantom Strike, Diviner’s Kevlar, Improved Reach, Superior Duration, Superior Stamina

Headhunter could be a game-changer for ace aimers due to the 8% healing gained per headshot and bonus movement speed. Pair this with Point Blank, which increases your damage to nearby enemies and slows them, and Pocket becomes a menace in late rounds.

Phantom Strike and Diviner’s Kevlar are luxury items that depend on your playstyle. We recommend Diviner’s Kevlar if you must choose, as this ability provides a bullet and spirit shield, making you an asset to the team.

Improved Reach allows you to cover more area with abilities, whereas Superior Duration stretches out spells. Finally, you’ll need that stamina to boost movement speed when dodging Walkers. 

READ MORE: Deadlock characters list — all characters and their abilities