Take your Pokemon TCG game to the next level with these Pokemon TCG Pocket Lapras EX decks.
All aboard the Lapras EX Express! This powerful Water type Pokemon is ready to take your Pokemon TCG Pocket game to the next level. With its high HP and self-sustaining ability, Lapras EX is a force to be reckoned with.
While Articuno EX often steals the spotlight, Lapras EX quietly offers a unique advantage. As the only Basic Water type Pokemon with self-healing, it can transition seamlessly from an early-game damage sponge to an unsinkable monster, especially when facing decks that struggle to deliver significant damage.
This ONE Esports guide explores three unique Pokemon TCG Pocket Lapras EX decks and their respective strategies.
Pokemon TCG Pocket Lapras EX decks

Lapras EX & Starmie expert event deck
- Lapras EX x 2
- Staryu x 2
- Starmie EX x 2
- Psyduck x 2
- Golduck x 2
- Misty x 1
- Sabrina x 1
- Professor’s Research x 2
- Poke Ball x 2
- Potion x 2
- X Speed x 2
This Lapras EX deck is a direct adaptation of the deck used for the expert level Lapras EX solo event. It leverages a combination of powerful, low-energy cost Pokemon including Starmie EX and Golduck to quickly dismantle slower decks, while Lapras EX functions as a defensive anchor in the late game.
Starmie EX and Golduck are excellent opening Pokemon due to their low energy cost and high damage output. They can quickly eliminate weaker Pokemon, setting the stage for Lapras to build up energy on the bench for when it’s eventually needed.
Ideally this deck doesn’t want to open with Lapras EX due to its high energy cost for both attacking and retreating. It can however sit on the front lines and soak damage if Starmie EX or Golduck fail to appear in the first couple draws.
A lucky Misty coin flip can suddenly turn Lapras EX into an early game monster, so don’t be afraid to flip that coin if you find yourself pinned!
Lapras EX & Butterfree deck
- Lapras EX x 2
- Caterpie x2
- Metapod x 2
- Butterfree x 2
- Erika x 2
- Misty x 2
- Sabrina x 2
- Professor’s Research x 2
- Poke Ball x 2
- X Speed x 2
This unique deck, centered around healing, leverages Lapras EX and Butterfree’s synergy. Butterfree’s Powder Heal ability keeps the active Lapras EX healthy, allowing it to consistently deal damage and threaten the battlefield.

This set relies on a juiced up Lapras EX and a timely Butterfree evolution. Prioritize attaching Water Energy to Lapras EX using Misty while simultaneously evolving into Butterfree as quickly as possible to get its ability online. Be aware that a slow start without a strong early Misty roll can leave you vulnerable to aggressive decks.
This Lapras EX deck functions well on water energy alone, though grass energy can be thrown into the mix too if you feel you’d get some value attacking with Butterfree as well.
Lapras EX & Omastar deck
- Lapras EX x 2
- Omanyte x 2
- Omastar x 2
- Helix Fossil x 2
- Misty x 2
- Sabrina x 2
- Giovanni x 2
- Professor’s Research x 2
- Poke Ball x 1
- Potion x 1
- X Speed x 2
Have some fun crippling your opponent’s heavy-hitting Pokemon! This Omastar and Lapras EX deck lets you do just that, preventing their big attackers from acting with Omastar’s Ancient Whirlpool effect.

Your strategy starts with Lapras EX. As the sole Basic Pokemon in this deck, it’s your guaranteed opening play. From there, hunt for Misty and Water Energy.
A lucky three roll Water Energy will set your Lapras EX up to hold the fort while giving Omastar space on the bench to evolve and power up.
Once online, you can swap Omastar in on your opponent’s big attackers and watch them squirm as they get locked up by Ancient Whirlpool.
This Lapras EX deck’s early-game strategy is heavily reliant on drawing Misty. If Misty isn’t drawn quickly, it can leave the deck vulnerable to opponent’s attacks or bench development.