Following the legacy of Epic Games’ Paragon, two MOBA games come to light: Omeda Studios’ Predecessor and Netmarble’s Overprime.
Predecessor vs. Overprime — why do they share such striking similarities?
Which heroes are common between the two, and which ones are unique to each game?
Here’s your comprehensive guide to understanding Predecessor vs. Overprime.
Is Predecessor and Overprime the same? Why are there two Paragon games?
Predecessor and Overprime are both projects aimed at reviving Epic Games’ Paragon.
Omeda Studios and Netmarble SoulEVE acquired the assets of Paragon from Epic Games, which were released as free-to-use. This explains why various elements in these games, including the heroes, share significant similarities.
Paragon, originally developed and published by Epic Games, was a free-to-play multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) released for Microsoft Windows and PlayStation 4 in March 2016, following a beta testing phase.
In April 2018, Epic Games announced the closure of Paragon due to its failure to meet expected success levels. Consequently, its game servers were shut down.
Predecessor vs. Overprime: Maps
Both Predecessor and Overprime adhere to the conventional three-lane map layout typical in MOBAs, comprising top, mid, and bottom lanes.
However, the primary distinctions between the two games are in tower counts and jungle creature varieties.
In Predecessor, each base boasts six towers, three inhibitors, and one core. On the other hand, Overprime features three towers, three inhibitors, and one core per base.
Furthermore, Overprime incorporates two portals designed to teleport players in proximity to the jungle’s two most powerful neutral monsters.
Predecessor vs. Overprime: Game engines
Predecessor operates on Unreal Engine 5, while Overprime utilizes Unreal Engine 4.
Predecessor vs. Overprime heroes
Overprime has a total of 41 heroes while Predecessor has 34 heroes as of writing.
Out of these, 31 heroes are shared between Overprime and Predecessor, originating from Paragon.
Morigesh Riktor Greystone Drongo Crunch Iggy and Scorch Khaimera Wraith Howitzer Dekker Serath Gadget The Fey Narbash Revenant Kallari Muriel Phase Murdock Rampage Gideon Feng Mao Grux Sevarog Belica TwinBlast Sparrow Kwang Shinbi Countess Steel | Argus Kira Zarus | Terra Boris Marty Yin Grim Adele Maco Wukong Zena Aurora |
Predecessor vs. Overprime platforms
PC via Steam PC via Epic Games Store Xbox Series X|S PlayStation 4/5 | PC via Steam PC via Epic Games PlayStation 5 |
Predecessor is in its open beta phase as of writing, while Overprime ceases operations on April 22, 2024.
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READ MORE: Predecessor crossplay: Can PC users play with console users in this MOBA?