If you ever feel like playing Space Invaders from your browser all you have to do is head over to Taito Corp’s new website.

If you can find a broken link or other error on the website, it will show a custom 404 page not found page.

But stay on the page for a while and you’ll notice the custom Space Invaders visual is actually a playable mini-game.

Once the game starts you’ll see rows of Space Invaders positioned in a 404 line-up with defensive bunkers placed just above the player’s gun-ship — and yes, it’s still a legit strategy to shoot a tunnel through your bunker.

Once the first wave of aliens are gone, a new 404-shaped wave of aliens will appear, equipped with faster attack speeds. For the time being there is no high-score tracking and players only get one life. Upon losing, a pop up will appear to ask if visitors want to go back to the main website or if they want to play again.

Taito may have drawn inspiration from Google’s famous dino runner game that appears when users try to use Google without an Internet connection.

If you can’t find the 404 page for yourself on the Taito website, you can just click here to head over to it directly.

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