Destiny 2’s upcoming vampire-themed episode, Revenant, will bring new gameplay features like potion crafting and make much-requested changes like better loot drop from playlist activities. 

Players have long complained about the drop rate of adept and non-adept weapons in Nightfall, and Bungie have finally listened and made appropriate changes. Below, you can find all the reward changes coming to Destiny 2 Episode Revenant

Destiny 2 Episode Revenant Nightfall reward changes

Destiny 2 Episode Revenant reward changes
Screenshot by Shreyansh Katsura/ONE Esports

In Episode Revenant, the drop rate of non-adept Nightfall weapons will increase across Advanced, Expert, and Master Nightfall when completing a platinum or gold run, with a guaranteed drop on a Master platinum and a 50% drop chance on a gold run. 

Additionally, adept weapons will have a higher chance of dropping from Grandmaster Nightfall on gold runs. 

There is also good news for players who prefer to focus rolls weekly Nightfall weapons at Zavala. In Episode Revenant, the weekly Nightfall weapon will have a new “Featured” category for both adept and non-adept versions. 

Destiny 2 Episode 2 Revenant graphic
Credit: Bungie
Destiny 2 Episode 2 Revenant release date

Below are the updated prices for Nightfall weapon focusing. 

Weekly featured Nightfall weapon: 

  • 1 Vanguard Engram
  • 1 Nightfall Cipher

Weekly featured adept Nightfall weapon: 

  • 1 Vanguard Engram
  • 10 Nightfall Cipher
  • 50,000 Glimmer

Destiny 2 Episode Revenant Lost Sector Rewards

Destiny 2 Revenant Lost Sector rewards
Screenshot by Shreyansh Katsura/ONE Esports

From Episode Reveant onwards, players can earn new world loot pool weapons in Lost Sectors.

 Bungie have also revealed weapon rotations for Lost Sectors in Episode Revenant. 

Group 1 TBC
Group 1 Yarovit MG4 (SMG)
Group 1 Truthteller (Grenade Launcher)
Group 1 Ros Argos IV (Auto Rifle)
Group 2 TBC
Group 2 Ded Gramarye IV (Shotgun)
Group 2 Adverse Possession IX (Scout Rifle) 
Group 2Marcato-45 (Machine Gun)
Group 3TBC
Group 3Maahes HC4 (Hand Cannon)
Group 3 Controlling Vision (Sidearm)
Group 3Crux Termination IV (Rocket Launcher)
Group 4 TBC
Group 4 Suspectum-4fr (Linear Fusion Rifle)
Group 4 The Domino (Sniper Rifle)
Group 4 Parabellum (SMG)

That’s all the reward changes coming to Destiny 2 Episode Revenant. 

READ MORE: Destiny 2 Revenant power cap changes explained — more power!