Editor’s note: Lots of changes are being rolled out regularly that impact the class rankings in the pre-patch. This The War Within Tank tier list may not reflect the exact state as it’s shifting often.

What is the best Tank class to play in World of Warcraft? We got you covered with our The War Within Tank tier list.

Tanks provide protection for the party by generating threat and mitigating damage. A good tank can efficiently balance both, but some classes are more versatile than others.

The War Within tank tier list
Credit: Blizzard Entertainment

WoW The War Within Tank tier list

We based our Tank tier list on popular 11.0 community rankings on Wowhead.com and Archon.gg. 

Here’s what each tier means on our list:

  1. S-tier: Tanks that have it all; excellent damage mitigation, self-sufficient heals and respectable damage.
  2. A-tier: Great tank options that are seen in almost every raid.
  3. B-tier: Slightly falls below the curve in terms of damage mitigation and damage.
  4. C-tier: Tanks with obvious downsides that make them hard to consider.
  5. D-tier: These classes don’t fulfill the role well, but can work in a pinch.

Hero talents, balance changes, and potential nerfs were factored in on our tank tier list. But any class can be S-tier so long as you’re having fun.

The War Within Tank rankings

SGuardian Druid
Protection Paladin
ABrewmaster Monk
Blood Death Knight
Protection Warrior
BVengeance Demon Hunter

A Tank’s main job is to keep the heat off of their partymates. Needless to say, it’s a lot of responsibility, especially when you’re in a raid. 

Based on recent data, Brewmaster Monk and Guardian Druid stand toe-to-toe in terms of survivability. So if you like being a damage sponge, those are your go-to’s.

That said, being a one-trick pony isn’t all that appealing. And most players tend to play high-risk, high-reward jobs.

The War Within Druid tree
Credit: Blizzard Entertainment

This is demonstrated by the most popular Tank class: the Blood Death Knight, a hardcore playstyle that trades a larger HP pool for powerful melee abilities and dark magic spells.

But if you’re looking for a perfect balance between damage, defense and danger, then choose Protection Warrior, a; straightforward WoW tank that can outscale its peers in terms of damage.

The Vengeance Demon Hunter leans towards the support/tank side of things by using its cooldowns and high mobility to control the battlefield and apply unique debuffs. 

Lastly, we have specific Warlock and Shaman builds that can act as tanks by taking enemy aggro. These aren’t recommended but can get the job done in some cases, albeit inefficiently.

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