Updated on April 1, 9:35 a.m. (GMT+8): Improved relevancy.
Genshin Impact serves a fiery kind of justice with Yanfei, a 4-star Pyro catalyst user.
If you’re planning to get her as a lawful member of your party, here are all the Yanfei materials you need to farm for her ascension.
Yanfei acts as Liyue’s premier legal consultant who travels all across the region to help her clients.

Her adept knowledge has even caught the eye of Ningguang, the law advisor of the Liyue Qixing. The high-ranking Liyue native believes that Yanfei could find legal loopholes faster than she could.
Location and routes of Yanfei materials for Character Ascension
Pyro Regisvine
- Located Southwest of Cuijue Slope in Liyue
- 1 Agnidus Agate Sliver
- 9 Agnidus Agate Fragments
- 9 Agnidus Agate Chunks
- 6 Agnidus Agate Gemstones

Primo Geovishap
- Located West of Tianqiu Valley
- 46 Juvenile Jades

Noctilucous Jade
- Noctilucous Jade is exclusively found in the region of Liyue
- 168 Noctilucous Jades
Here is a sample farming location for Noctilucous Jades:

Treasure Hoarders
- Treasure Hoarders are found in all regions of Teyvat
- 18 Treasure Hoarder Insignias
- 30 Silver Raven Insignias
- 36 Golden Raven Insignias
Here are two sample farming routes of Treasure Hoarders:
Locations and routes of Yanfei materials for Talent Ascension
Beneath the Dragon-Queller (Azhdaha domain)
- Location is southeast of Mt. Hulao in Liyue
- 18 Gilded Scales
- A rarer type of Yanfei materials for Ascension, only appears once a week as a Trounce Domain
- To unlock this boss, you must complete Zhongli’s Story Quest, “Historia Antiqua Chapter: Act II – No Mere Stone”

Taishan Mansion on Wednesday, Saturday, or Sunday
- Located in Jueyun Karst in Liyue
- 9 Teachings of Gold
- 63 Guides to Gold
- 114 Philosophies of Gold

Treasure Hoarders
- 18 Treasure Hoarder Insignias
- 66 Silver Raven Insignias
- 93 Golden Raven Insignias

Crown of Insight
- 3 Crowns of Insight
- Obtainable by upgrading the Frostbearing Tree to Level 11, upgrading the Sacred Sakura’s Favor to at least Level 15, upgrading the Sumeru Tree of Dreams to at least Level 5, upgrading the Fountain of Lucine to at least Level 5, and playing Genshin Impact’s various limited-time events
READ MORE: Faruzan materials: Best Genshin Impact farming locations and routes