League of Legends Lead Gameplay Designer Matt “Riot Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison posted a preview of LoL patch 25.S1.3 today.
In the tweet, he mentioned that the patch aims to reduce the damage output from support items. This adjustment is intended to prevent supports from becoming too powerful and overshadowing the contributions of ADC champions, ensuring a more balanced gameplay experience.

The preview also addressed the champion Mel Medarda, released in LoL patch 25.S1.2. Riot Games believes Mel’s abilities are intuitive and players will gradually learn to master her unique playstyle. Based on this assessment, the developers have decided to hold off on any immediate balance changes for Mel in this patch.
LoL patch 25.S1.3 notes preview
LoL patch 25.S1.3 champion buffs in Summoner’s Rift

- Evelynn
- Jax
- Kayn (Blue)
- Nasus
- Quinn
- Rakan
- Samira
- Swain
- Thresh
LoL patch 25.S1.3 is buffing nine champions, including assassins Kayn and Evelynn. This is because Riot wants to ensure these champions remain strong even if players choose runes from other trees instead of the Domination tree.
The Domination tree was previously weakened, so all Domination Keystones are being buffed in this patch to compensate for this change.
LoL patch 25.S1.3 champion nerfs in Summoner’s Rift

- Cassiopeia
- Galio
- Jayce
- Miss Fortune
- Rell
- Skarner
- Teemo
- Viego
System buffs in Summoner’s Rift
- Attack Speed Cap
- Chemtech Soul
- Domination Keystones
League of Legends is increasing the attack speed cap from 2.5 to 3.0, allowing attack speed items to be more effective while ensuring gameplay remains manageable at extremely high attack speeds.
Additionally, Chemtech Soul is receiving buffs to bring it in line with the strength of other Dragon Souls.
System nerfs in Summoner’s Rift
- Bloodsong
- Cloud Soul
- Void Grubs
- Zaz’Zak’s Realmspike
To reduce the overall damage output from supports, Riot is nerfing “more damaging support items,” specifically Bloodsong and Zaz’Zak’s Realmspike.
System adjustments in Summoner’s Rift
- Champion bounties (for losing team)
LoL patch 25.S1.3 champion buffs in Swiftplay
- Fiddlesticks
- Nidalee
- Ivern
- Zoe
LoL patch 25.S1.3 champion nerfs in Swiftplay
- Yorick
- Teemo
System adjustments in Swiftplay
- Game pacing changes
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