Updated on March 13, 12:40 p.m. (GMT+8): Added more information posted by Riot Phroxzon today.

League of Legends Lead Gameplay Designer Matt “Riot Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison posted a preview of LoL patch 25.6 today.

In the tweet, he went deeper on losing team bounties. Early bounties on losing teams have been a consistent problem and the game devs have addressed this with a substantial code rewrite in LoL patch 25.6, specifically targeting those problematic early-game calculations.

This dying habit is Faker’s secret weapon to a long and successful career

Riot Phroxzon also revealed that the previous micropatch’s anti-lane swap adjustments have significantly reduced occurrences, with a 1% trigger rate in regular games. So far, First Stand data shows successful standard lane setups pre-Grubs, he reported. Developing a more elegant, long-term solution is still the works.

LoL patch 25.6 notes preview

State of ADCs in LoL patch 25.6

Faerie Court Ezreal in League of Legends
Credit: Riot Games

Changes in this patch address the prevalence of certain ADCs, with Corki and Ezreal seeing adjustments at high MMR, and Caitlyn and Jinx across all skill levels.

The goal is to moderate the influence of Ezreal and Corki, which have remained top picks. The patch focuses on minor tweaks rather than significant power reductions.

State of Jungle in LoL patch 25.6

The jungle meta was altered after Darius’s emergence and adjustments will be made to moderate his power.

Xin Zhao and Jarvan IV receive buffs to bridge the gap between perceived strength and actual performance. Kha’Zix, currently underperforming, will receive a buff.

LoL patch 25.6 champion buffs

Secret Agent Xin Zhao
Credit: Riot Games
  • Jarvan
  • Jhin
  • Kai’Sa
  • Kha’Zix
  • Lillia
  • Lucian
  • Poppy
  • Smolder
  • Twisted Fate
  • Xin Zhao

LoL patch 25.6 champion nerfs

Cafe Cutie Jinx is sending the kitchen into chaos, smiling big as she hands a suspicious cupcake to the camera.
Credit: Riot Games
  • Caitlyn
  • Corki
  • Darius (jungle)
  • Ezreal
  • Garen
  • Jinx
  • Karma
  • Master Yi
  • Yorick
LoL patch 25.6 notes champion buffs and champion nerfs
Credit: Riot Games, Riot Phroxzon

LoL patch 25.6 champion adjustments

  • Gwen
  • Naafiri
  • Singed


League of Legends Naafiri official splashart wallpaper
Credit: Riot Games

Naafiri’s performance has been consistently underwhelming, largely due to her predictable, all-or-nothing combat style, Riot Phroxzon wrote. Her design as a straightforward assassin limited her potential. To address this, the game devs are fundamentally reshaping her kit for greater complexity and a more nuanced assassin playstyle.

The goal is to move beyond a simplistic “burst or be bursted” dynamic, injecting significant outplay opportunities. This will empower players with more strategic choices in fights, leading to a more consistently impactful champion, Riot Phroxzon explained.

A key change involves swapping her W and R abilities. This allows her ultimate to command the power it deserves, creating truly impactful, climactic moments. Conversely, her shifted W becomes a versatile tool: a burst damage option for pre-ultimate setups, or a strategic hold for tactical maneuvers, significantly deepening her long-term gameplay.


Space Groove Gwen skin from League of Legends
Credit: Riot Games

Gwen’s power curve is being adjusted, transitioning her from a heavily backloaded scaler to a champion with lighter scaling.

This change aims to provide more early-game agency and reduce instances of late-game one-shot scenarios from her ultimate and passive.

“We think this will both make Gwen more fun to play and also more fun to play against,” wrote Riot Phroxzon.

LoL patch 25.6 notes champion adjustments and system adjustments
Credit: Riot Games, Riot Phroxzon

System buffs

  • Warmorgs

System adjustments

  • Anti-lane swap adjustments
  • Losing team bounties
  • Serylda’s Grudge

Serylda’s Grudge is being adjusted to improve its performance against tanks. Warmog’s Armor is receiving buffs to counteract its recent overnerf, with a focus on making it more viable for income-focused tank builds.

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