League of Legends is revamping in 2025 with the introduction of Seasons.
One of the biggest changes on Summoner’s Rift is the addition of a new epic jungle monster called Atakhan, the Bringer of Ruin.
Season One’s theme is Noxus and it will last around eight patches or about 16 weeks. In line with the Noxian theme, he visually and thematically fits right into it.
Here’s everything you need to need to know about its spawn time, location, rewards, and how it affects other objectives on the map.
Atakhan spawn time and location

Atakhan is a new permanent monster objective on Summoner’s Rift that debuts in Season One. It spawns once per game at the 20-minute mark.
To signal his spawn location, players will see his arena appear which permanently alters the map with two new walls.
However, here’s the catch — Atakhan’s spawn location is not fixed. He spawns on either the top or bot side of the map depending on which side racks up the most damage to champions and kills before 14 minutes.
Read that carefully — he spawns on the side of the map (regardless of team) that racks up the most damage and champions. So if blue side bot lane duo has more kills and has done more damage but red side team is overall in the lead because they took down more objectives and therefore has more gold, Atakhan spawns at bot side.
Atakhan’s two forms, respective rewards, and Blood Roses

Atakhan has two distinct forms: Ruinous and Voracious.
Ruinous | High action games | 1) Grants Bloody Petals to the team who defeats him 2) Grants increased effects from all Epic monster rewards to the team who defeats him 3) Spawns a grove of Blood Roses in the area that anyone can pick up |
Voracious | Low action games | Imparts a one-time Rebirth buff (essentially, Guardian Angel) that resurrects its bearers in base upon taking fatal damage to the team who defeats him |

Atakhan’s dark influence will also cause Blood Roses to grow periodically in the areas where champions have been killed. Each team gains a small amount of XP and a permanently stacking Adaptive Force buff for every Blood Rose collected.
Players should also note that unlike Rift Herald, Atakhan will not disappear if neither team defeats him, ONE Esports clarified with Matt “Riot Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison.
Riot Games’ rationale for introducing Atakhan

Last year, Riot Games introduced Void mobs to the map. In general, Void monsters are there to give players push power, while Dragon monsters are there to buff them in combat.
“We wanted to add Atakhan because Rift Herald is pretty hard to take in the early game and spawns too late, and would be too game warping if it spawned earlier,” Riot Phroxzon told ONE Esports.
“And so we needed to kind of come up with a new idea to support an early objective that spawns in the top lane without completely ruining players’ laning experiences,” he added.
Changes to Rift Herald and Baron Nashor timings

Rift Herlad | 14-minute mark | 16-minute mark, disappears when Baron spawns if not defeated |
Atakhan | — | 20-minute mark |
Baron Nashor | 20-minute mark | 25-minute mark |
Because Atakhan enters the Rift at 20 minutes, Rift Herald and Baron Nashor timings have been pushed back.
Rift Herald in League of Legends Season One 2025 spawns at 16 minutes, while Baron Nashor spawns at 25 minutes.
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