DAMWON Gaming has claimed the 2020 World Championship after defeating Suning 3-1 in the final last Saturday. At Pudong Football Stadium, they out-drafted and outplayed their opponents with controlled team fighting and discipline.
As with every World Championship, the winning team gets to choose champions for customized skins. In the post-game press conference, DAMWON’s players revealed which champions they are considering:
Nuguri – Kennen

Having played Kennen five times in LCK Summer and four times at Worlds with a 100% win rate, Jang “Nuguri” Ha-gwon is a master at this champion. He even used him in the finals against Suning in game three, and pulled off a game-winning Slicing Maelstrom in the Baron pit.
Canyon – Graves

“I’m a Graves one-tricks,” said Kim “Canyon” Geon-bu.
He may have only played one game of Graves in LCK Summer, but out of 17 games here at Worlds, he used graves 11 times with a 81.8% win rate. It will be nice to commemorate the Worlds 2020 meta with a skin for this S-tier jungler.
ShowMaker – Twisted Fate

Unsurprisingly, Heo “ShowMaker” Su chose the one champion he’s played the most this year, Twisted Fate. At Worlds, he has an impressive 17.0 KDA on this midlaner, with 5 wins and no losses.
No wonder Suning banned him out entirely in their final series.
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Ghost – Jhin, Ashe, or Caitlyn

After Jhin and Ashe, the next best tier of AD carries that appeared at Worlds 2020 included Caitlyn, which Jang “Ghost” Yong-jun played in their last game against Suning for the win.
Out of his three choices, he’s most impressive stats are on Jhin. He has played five games on this champion with100% win rate, and a whopping 21.0 KDA.

Jhin already has a World Championship skin however, thanks to SK Telecom T1’s Worlds 2016 win, chosen by Bae “Bang” Jun-sik. Even though Ashe doesn’t have a World skin, she does have a Championship skin, and many more new skins released over the last two years.
Caitlyn’s last skin was Arcade Caitlyn released in June 2019, so we hope to see DWG Caitlyn next year.
BeryL – Leona or Pantheon

“Pantheon may not be viable as a support next season, so I’m still thinking about it,” said Cho “BeryL” Geon-hee.
What a thoughtful support! Pantheon support only rose up in ranks this Worlds due to the playmaking meta. He can stun targets like Leona, but also impact the rest of the map with his ultimate. Either way, a Worlds skin for these aggressive champions would be really awesome.
READ MORE: Watch Suning’s Bin score the first-ever pentakill in Worlds final history