Updated on August 7, 1:30 p.m. (GMT+8): Adjusted best build and emblem based on MLBB patch 1.9.06B.

Cecilion, the Embrace of Night, is Carmilla’s lover in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang.

In their version of a modern romance story, Cecilion revived her from the dead and turned her into a Blood Demon so that she may live.

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When played together, they gain a unique ability each called “Moonlit Waltz” that enhances their gameplay.

Nonetheless, Cecilion is capable of holding his own, and is a strong hero that can be played solo. If you’re still new to this hero, here’s an extensive guide to help you.

Cecilion’s skills in Mobile Legends

Mobile Legends Cecilion guide-Overflowing passive skill icon
Credit: ONE Esports

Passive – Overflowing

Cecilion increases his Max Mana and restores the same amount of Mana when his skill hits an enemy target. He also has higher Max Mana and Mana Regen, and his skill damage scales with his Max Mana.

  • Start using Bat Impact from level one in order to stack Overflowing, and maximize your damage for the latter stages of the game.
  • You can begin stacking the passive by leashing your jungler before the first wave of minion arrives in your lane.
  • Aim for minions, jungle creeps, and heroes to increase your stacks.
  • While there are no minions in the lane, hit jungle creeps to continue gaining stacks.
  • Your main focus during the early game should be to accumulate stacks. It’s important to refrain from attempting to gank in other lanes to prevent unnecessary deaths. Nevertheless, you can contribute in taking the Turtle.

First skill – Bat Impact

Cecilion orders a giant bat to dive in a designated direction, dealing Magic Damage to enemies on the path. The giant bat will stay at its destination and launch another attack, dealing Magic Damage to enemies and triggering Overflowing an extra time. In a couple of seconds, every time Cecilion casts this skill, the mana cost will be increased. While casting this skill, he also gains Movement Speed for a second.

  • Bat Impact is his bread and butter skill, therefore, prioritize maxing this out.
  • This skill has a fixed cast range. Maintain distance between you and your target to ensure you can strike them at the landing point.
  • The splash at the end of Bat Impact deals twice as much damage, so use this to poke enemies from a distance.
  • Take advantage of the movement speed buff by repositioning after casting this skill. Move up if you’re chasing enemies to secure an additional attack, or kite back if you’re being chased.
  • In stacking your passive during the early game, use only one subsequent cast to preserve your mana.
  • You will run out of mana quickly by spamming this skill. If your jungler does not need a purple buff, get it to gain a significant mana cost reduction.
  • With Overflowing’s effect, you can use Bat Impact in nearby bushes to know if an enemy is hiding there, allowing you to evade a gank.

Second skill – Sanguine Claws

Cecilion summons a pair of claws in a designated location. After a short delay, the claws will move toward each other and pull enemies along the way to the center, dealing Magic Damage and immobilizing them for a second.

  • Sanguine Claws has a large area of effect and a thick width. It occupies almost half the lane making it easy to land. It’s also very effective for catching out foes in the jungle.
  • Similar to Bat Impact, this spell has a fixed cast range.
  • You can also use this to scout for enemies hiding in bushes.

Ultimate – Bats Feast

Cecilion unleashes Blood Demon power for a duration, increasing his Movement Speed and gaining immunity to slow effects. Meanwhile, he shoots bolts of blood energy at the enemies nearby, each dealing Magic Damage and inflicting slow effects. Hitting an enemy allows him to regenerate HP.

  • Combined with other abilities, Cecilion is the ultimate kiter with Bats Feast. Keeping at max range ensures that you deal tons of damage while staying healthy.
  • You can open up team fights by using Bats Feast first for the slow. The spell vamp also means you are able to trade initial blows to your HP, and reposition after.
  • Even if you make mistakes and miss your other spells, this is your get out of jail card. When you find yourself in a sticky situation, use Bats Feast’s large movement speed boost to run away.

Special skill – Moonlit Waltz

When Carmilla Carmilla is nearby, Cecilion can call her into a Vermil Shadow possessed by him for a duration, providing a shield that scales with Carmilla’s level. Carmilla can select a target place and land on there, gaining equal shield, dealing Magic Damage which also scales with her level within the area of effect, and slowing enemis down.

  • When Cecilion activates Moonlit Waltz, Carmilla will disappear from the map and he gains an immediate shield. If the healing from Bats Feast is not enough, use this skill’s shield for greater durability.
  • Communication is a crucial part of any relationship. Even though you may need the extra protection, it’s important not to interrupt Carmilla out of her own combo especially if she has crowd control lined up, so talk to your partner!
  • Moonlit Waltz is highly complementary because Carmilla’s kit involves her going up close and personal with enemy heroes. She is the front line, while Cecilion positions behind, and pulls her out when she gets into too much trouble.
  • Carmilla’s ultimate slows targets, which helps Cecilion land Bats Feast on even more targets.

A comprehensive guide on how to play Cecilion in Mobile Legends

Recommended battle spell

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang mage Cecilion recommended battle spell
Credit: ONE Esports

Since Cecilion lacks a mobility skill, Flicker is the most optimal choice. It allows you to escape from danger, reposition in team fights, or chase down enemies.

If the enemy team has a lot of crowd control, it is wise to get Purify. Cecilion relies heavily on maintaining positioning and casting abilities uninterrupted to maximize damage output.

5 most explosive Flicker ultimate combos to pull off in Mobile Legends
Credit: ONE Esports, Moonton
5 most explosive Flicker ultimate combos to pull off in Mobile Legends

With Purify, you can quickly break free from stuns, slows, or roots, allowing you to reposition and continue dealing sustained damage during team fights.

Recommended emblem

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang mage Cecilion recommended emblem setup
Credit: ONE Esports

Mage Emblem works best for Cecilion because it provides a significant amount of Magic Power, Cooldown Reduction, and Magic Penetration.

For talents, choose Rupture for additional penetration, and Bargain Hunter for reduced equipment cost so you can quickly get your core items.

Mobile Legends Emblem system guide: All talents, best setup
Credit: Moonton Games, ONE Esports
Mobile Legends Emblem system guide: All talents and best emblem setup

Furthermore, pick Impure Rage as your primary talent. It enables you to deal a percentage of your target’s current HP, and restore some of your mana, allowing you to consistently poke opponents.

Cecilion best build

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang mage Cecilion best build
Credit: ONE Esports

Purchase Demon Boots early to make sure you will not run out of Mana during the laning phase.

Focus on getting Glowing Wand in the early game. This item is crucial for its passive burn effect, amplifying your poke damage with Bat Impact. It also provides bonus health for added survivability.

Get Lightning Truncheon after. It offers substantial burst damage with its passive that synergizes with Cecilion’s high-mana scaling abilities, making it essential for mid-game skirmishes.

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Credit: ONE Esports, Moonton Games
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Improve your burst damage further by acquiring Wishing Lantern, which gives you significant Magic Power and a passive which summons a Butterfly Goddess to attack enemies after you deal a specified amount of damage.

As the game progresses into the late game, Divine Glaive is pivotal for penetrating enemy magic defenses, ensuring your damage remains impactful against tanker foes.

Divine Glaive or Genius Wand? When to buy these magic penetration items in Mobile Legends, a ONE Esports guide
Credit: ONE Esports, Moonton Games
Divine Glaive or Genius Wand? When to buy these magic penetration items

Finally, get Blood Wings. The item provides a massive boost to both your Magic Power and survivability, allowing you to be a big kill threat in the game.

If you want to play more defensively, consider getting Immortality as your last item.

The best build for Cecilion in Mobile Legends

  • Demon Boots
  • Glowing Wand
  • Lightning Truncheon
  • Wishing Lantern
  • Divine Glaive
  • Blood Wings or Immortality

Tips and easy combos to learn

During the laning phase, use Sanguine Claws followed by Bat Impact to gain Overflowing stacks while simultaneously poking your opponent and clearing the minion waves.

Maintain awareness of your position while using your spells. Aim to maximize your cast range, and avoid getting too close to enemies, particularly if your battle spell is unavailable.

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As much as possible, activate Bats Feast first before participating in team fights. This will provide you with extra movement speed to reposition while spamming Bat Impact and Sanguine Claws.

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