Armed with lethal weapons and sturdy armor, Jawhead is an unstoppable force in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, fiercely protecting its creator’s daughter, Ailee.

Also known as the Steel Sweetheart, the hero has incredible durability and mobility which makes him a reliable front-liner who can peel for teammates.

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Full list of Mobile Legends hero guides, counters, best build, and advanced combos
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His skillset also allows him to dive into the enemy backline, creating chaos and drawing attention away from his team’s damage dealers.

In a team composition, Jawhead excels as a versatile initiator and crowd-control specialist. He can easily catch out-of-position enemies, providing opportunities for his team to secure kills.

Jawhead’s skills in Mobile Legends

Passive – Mecha Suppression

Jawhead’s attacks apply a stack of Mecha Suppression on hit (up to a certain number of stacks). Each stack lasts for a few seconds and increases the damage of Jawhead’s Basic Attacks Basic Attacks to the enemy by a percentage.

  • Focus on building up stacks with basic attacks during skirmishes or while farming.
  • The more stacks, the higher your damage output, making you a consistent threat throughout fights.
  • In the early game, use the passive’s stacking mechanic to bully enemies in the laning phase.
  • Quick, successive hits will help you deal increasing damage, giving you an edge.

First skill – Smart Missiles

Jawhead launches several missiles at random nearby enemies over a few seconds, each missile dealing Physical Damage to the enemy hit.

  • Use Smart Missiles in crowded team fights to maximize damage, as the missiles target nearby enemies randomly. The more targets, the more chances to disrupt the enemy team.
  • Activate this skill when you’re up close to the enemy to ensure most of the missiles hit your intended target.
  • It’s particularly effective when combined with Ejector for a quick burst of damage.
  • Use this skill to quickly clear minion waves or jungle camps, allowing you to rotate and assist teammates faster.

Second skill – Ejector

Jawhead gains Movement Speed and a shield for a few seconds.

Use Again: Jawhead flings the nearest unit (prioritizes heroes) to the target location, dealing Physical Damage to enemies in the area and stunning them for a duration. Can used on allied heroes and they will not take damage.

  • Use the first part of this skill to gain a shield and movement speed boost, then pick up an enemy hero and toss them into your team.
  • It’s an excellent way to initiate fights by isolating high-priority targets.
  • Use the movement speed boost to sneak up on enemies, then throw them into your team for an easy kill. Make sure to aim at squishy heroes to maximize your team’s burst potential.
  • This skill can target allied heroes. Use it to fling a teammate out of danger, especially if they’re caught in a crowd control chain.
  • Be careful not to accidentally throw tanky enemies into your team. Prioritize tossing backline heroes for a greater impact.

Ultimate – Unstoppable Force

Jawhead charges into the target enemy hero, dealing Physical Damage and briefly stunning them. Enemies around the target are knocked back and dealt the same amount of damage. Jawhead is immune to control effects during the charge.

  • Use this skill to dive onto key enemy heroes, like marksmen or mages. The brief stun and knockback can disrupt their positioning, allowing your team to follow up.
  • Since Jawhead is immune to control effects during the charge, use this skill to engage safely, especially against heroes with crowd control abilities that could interrupt your initiation.
  • After using Unstoppable Force, immediately follow up with Ejector to throw the enemy further out of position, making it harder for them to escape.

A comprehensive guide on how to play Jawhead in Mobile Legends

Recommended battle spell

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang fighter Jawhead recommended battle spell
Credit: ONE Esports

Flicker is one of the best battle spells for Jawhead due to its versatility in both offensive and defensive scenarios.

Using the already highly mobile hero, you can use Flicker to extend the range of Ejector, catching enemies off guard by throwing them into your team or under a turret.

5 most explosive Flicker ultimate combos to pull off in Mobile Legends
Credit: ONE Esports, Moonton Games
5 most explosive Flicker ultimate combos to pull off in Mobile Legends

It also provides a reliable escape option when you find yourself in a dangerous situation after diving into the enemy backline with Unstoppable Force.

You can also opt for Petrify. Petrify synergizes well with your role as an initiator and disruptor.

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After using Unstoppable Force to dive into the enemy backline, Petrify allows you to follow up with an area-of-effect stun, briefly immobilizing nearby enemies and giving your team time to secure kills.

Recommended emblem

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang fighter Jawhead recommended emblem setup
Credit: ONE Esports

Opt for the Tank emblem to get a huge boost in HP, Hybrid Defense, and HP regen.

Take Agility and Wilderness Blessing as your first and second talents. Both enhance your mobility by increasing your movement speed, making it easy to chase down enemies. It also aids in your ability to roam between lanes and secure map control more efficiently.

Mobile Legends Emblem system guide: All talents, best setup
Credit: Moonton Games, ONE Esports
Mobile Legends Emblem system guide: All talents and best emblem setup

Finally, get Concussive Blast as your main talent. It provides an additional burst of damage to Jawhead’s Basic Attacks, which synergizes well with his aggressive playstyle.

When Jawhead dives into a fight using Unstoppable Force or Ejector, Concussive Blast deals extra area-of-effect damage, further punishing grouped-up enemies.

Jawhead best build

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang fighter Jawhead best build
Credit: Moonton Games

When playing Jawhead as a roamer, focus on building items that improve his durability and sustainability. After boots, purchase Antique Cuirass to reduce Physical Damage from marksmen and fighters.

Get Radiant Armor to protect yourself from continuous Magic Damage. If the enemy deals burst Magic Damage, opt for Athena’s Shield instead.

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Credit: ONE Esports
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Transition to the mid to late game by purchasing Immortality. The item provides a second life for deep dives.

Next, take Guardian’s Helmet which grants strong HP regeneration and a huge boost in HP, allowing Jawhead to stay longer in fights.

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Finally, buy Blade Armor. This item enhances your tankiness while deterring enemies from attacking you. Its passive reflects a portion of incoming basic attack damage back to the attacker, making it especially useful against heroes that rely on Basic Attacks.

When playing Jawhead as an EXP laner, focus on getting as much damage items as early as possible to maximize his early game power spike.

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Get Blade of the Heptaseas and Sky Piercer for burst damage, then purchase Malefic Roar to increase your Physical Penetration.

In the late game, buy Hunter Strike and Blade of Despair to further increase your kill potential.

The best build for roam Jawhead in Mobile Legends

  • Tough Boots
  • Antique Cuirass
  • Radiant Armor or Athena’s Shield
  • Immortality
  • Guardian’s Helmet
  • Blade Armor

The best build for EXP lane Jawhead in Mobile Legends

  • Tough Boots
  • Blade of the Heptaseas
  • Sky Piercer
  • Malefic Roar
  • Hunter Strike
  • Blade of Despair

Tips and easy combos to learn

As a roamer, you need to take advantage of Ejector to roam aggressively early. Use it to invade the enemy jungle, toss the enemy jungler out of position, and delay their farm. This early pressure helps your team secure an advantage.

When roaming to gank lanes, prioritize backline heroes like mages or marksmen. Use Unstoppable Force to close the gap and Ejector to toss them toward your team, making them easy to burst down.

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Protect your team’s damage dealers by using Ejector to toss enemy assassins or divers away from them. This can prevent your damage dealers from getting burst down.

When playing him as an EXP laner, use Smart Missiles to pressure your lane opponent in the early game. Smart Missiles can be used to harass and zone them away from minions, while the stacking of Mecha Suppression helps you out-trade most heroes.

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Credit: ONE Esports, Moonton Games
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In the mid-to-late game, Jawhead’s durability and damage allow him to pressure side lanes effectively. Keep split pushing and use Ejector defensively if the enemy tries to catch you, tossing them away to escape.

In team fights, your role shifts to a frontliner or initiator. Use Unstoppable Force to dive into the enemy backline and create chaos, while Ejector helps you either throw enemies out of position or protect your teammates.

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