Since Valorant’s 11th map Abyss hit the servers during the recent 8.11 update, players are challenged once again to think of new strategies to bring their team to victory.
If you play the Controller role, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the best smokes on Abyss. This can help your team put pressure on your opponents, discouraging them from attacking or defending.

Abyss has the unique feature of allowing players to fall to their deaths within the map. Additionally, it has a lot of elevated places for controllers to shape the battlefield.
To help you out, we have prepared some of the best smokes on Abyss, both for attacking and defending side.
All the best smokes on Abyss to control the battlefield
A site push

If you decide to push towards A Site for your team, take note of the A Tower and A Bridge as these are crucial locations defenders will guard from.
You can block the ground on A Site upon entry to give you cover on planting so you won’t be seen from A Tower, allowing you to clear anyone waiting from the right corner of A Bridge.

However, if you are just running on one smoke, you also have the option to smoke on A Bridge.
Place it beside the crates to discourage defenders from crossing that location too because of the limited space to move around.
B site push

When it comes to the B Site, defenders either come from B Tower or B Link.
Ideally, you’d want to block B Tower as it’s the direct line of site from your team’s entry point.

Similarly, you can use your smoke to block just below B Tower coming from B Link. There are some crates on the ground that can help your smoke generate more cover against defenders.
You can also leave a bit of space for the ground B Link smoke so you can catch some unsuspecting enemies supposedly taking advantage of the small space between the crates.
Mid push

For Mid, it helps to smoke either Mid Top or in between B Link and Mid Library. You’ll be able to prevent Marshal, Outlaw, and Operator players from taking advantage of the long distance.
But if you just have one smoke, you can just choose to smoke in between B Link and Mid Library.
Having a fellow teammate or two with you can also help your Mid push succeed despite the limited smoke.
A site defense

Smoking at the A Main entrance will prevent attackers from easily coming into the site. You can also take advantage of the space in between the A Main entrance and A Tower to ambush enemies coming in.
If you pair this smoke with an Initator agent such as Sova, you’ll be able to take down any attackers coming in.
B site defense

In terms of the B site defense, you’d want to cover up B Nest and the entryway at B Main. This gives you a clearer view of any opponents coming into the site.
With that in mind, you could even force your opponents to go through B Danger, putting them at risk of falling out of the map.
Mid defense

Last is Mid defense. You can throw you smoke either on the entryway to Mid Catwalk or the corner between Mid Bend and Mid Bottom.
You’ll be able to put the enemy team on some chokepoints with this smoke lineup, forcing them to retreat or engage on a risky location.
The smoke lineup for this location makes it easier for lurkers to guard Mid in general when it comes to defending rounds.
READ MORE: How to shockingly push enemies off the Valorant Abyss map