Updated on May 10, 11:48 a.m. (GMT+8): Improved relevancy.

If you’re a dedicated Sova main in Valorant, you understand the significance of having a variety of lineups at your disposal, especially when executing Recon and Shock Bolts on Sunset.

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These tactical tools are invaluable, increasing your chances of securing crucial rounds that work towards increasing your rank.

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Credit: Riot Games, ONE Esports
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To discover the most effective Sunset Sova lineups, we’ve turned to everyone’s favorite Sova expert, Jonas “Average Jonas” Navarsete.

The most effective Sunset Sova lineups by Average Jonas

Recon Bolt from Mid top to Mid bottom on defense

This Recon dart is excellent for getting info on attackers looking to push from Mid bottom.

To effectively use this lineup, target the red tile roof from Mid top and fire the Recon Bolt using full power.

Average Jonas Sunset Sova lineup for Mid bottom
Credit: Nigel Zalamea/ONE Esports, Average Jonas

Pair this arrow with a smoke deployed at the choke point in Mid bottom. By obstructing the attackers’ vision, you can shoot the dart without being seen.

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Additionally, you can eliminate enemies behind the smoke if your Recon Bolt tags them.

Shock and Recon Bolts from A lobby to A main on attack

Average Jonas Sunset Sova lineup for A lobby
Credit: Nigel Zalamea/ONE Esports, Average Jonas

This is one of the easier arrows to throw on the attack, as you must aim at one of the two small windows in A lobby.

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You can use either a Shock or Recon Bolt to damage or reveal defenders in A main for a quick attack push. Fire the darts using one bar or full power. Just make sure the arrows bounce once.

Capturing this area from the defenders puts your team just a few steps away from reaching the A site.

Shock Bolt from A elbow for post plant on attack

Average Jonas Sunset Sova lineup for A site post plant
Credit: Nigel Zalamea/ONE Esports, Average Jonas

Sova is a viable pick for Sunset because the map has clear skies, so that you can go for Shock Bolt lineups for post plant scenarios on both sites.

Position yourself on the platform at A elbow to execute this A site double Shock dart lineup. Make sure your team plants the spike behind the large Radiante box near A alley.

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Credit: Riot Games, ONE Esports
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For the first Shock dart, align the second line of Sova’s charge bar with the wall. Charge the first arrow with just one bar, then slightly adjust your crosshair downward and immediately fire the second dart.

Both arrows follow a short arc, making it difficult for defenders to defuse the spike unless it’s already halfway done.

Shock Bolt from B lobby for post plant on attack

Average Jonas Sunset Sova lineup for B site post plant
Credit: Nigel Zalamea/ONE Esports, Average Jonas

Just like the double Shock Bolts for the A site, this lineup is designed to prevent defenders from defusing the spike on the B site.

First, make sure the spike is planted in front of B main. Position yourself in B lobby, where you’ll launch the arrows. To align this correctly, place the top left corner of your left mouse indicator between the second and third rows of tiles on the wall.

The best Valorant Sunset smokes to block off lines of sight
Credit: ONE Esports, Riot Games
The best Valorant Sunset smokes to block off lines of sight

For the first arrow, use two bars of charge. Lower your crosshair slightly for the second arrow and fire it with just one bar of charge. This will eliminate defenders attempting to defuse, as both arrows will simultaneously hit the spike.

Recon Bolt from A link for post plant retake on defense

Average Jonas Sunset Sova lineup for A site retake
Credit: Nigel Zalamea/ONE Esports, Average Jonas

This arrow is intended to assist your team in clearing out attackers guarding the A site’s spike.

Coordinate with your teammates as they push into the site. Then, move to A link. Aim your Recon Bolt at the corner of the overpass located above the A site. When your team is ready to retake the site, release the arrow using two bars of charge.

Recon Bolt from A link for an early A lobby push on defense

Average Jonas Sunset Sova lineup for A lobby push
Credit: Nigel Zalamea/ONE Esports, Average Jonas

The final Sova lineup for Sunset is designed for an aggressive push on the A site while defending.

Stand in A link and direct your Recon Bolt towards A lobby. Align the left corner of your charge bar with the section of the roof on the left wall column.

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Alternatively, you can use the two diamonds from Sova’s bounce indicator to line up the arrow with the furthest wall of the left wall column.

Release the arrow with one bar of charge, and coordinate with your team to push to the right as soon as the bolt lands.

Watch AverageJonas’ full Sunset Sova lineup video below.

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READ MORE: Full list of Valorant map names and their real-life counterparts